Tag Archives: tooth fairy

Tooth Fairy Door

Tooth Fairy Door

The wonderful world of make believe is such an amazing place to be, I remember as a child when you thought EVERYTHING was real… Call it the Disney syndrome or perhaps it’s the Peter Pan? Whatever the name it’s all the same a world where everything is magical that’s where I want to live.

If any of you out there is like me with “issues” about being a grown up I’m sure you’d agree. Life was so simple when the worst thing was your mom not letting you go to a friend’s house and you’d feel like it’s the end of the world.

If we only knew what was REALLY in store:) Well moving right along before it turns into a therapy session…….

The world of make believe. Santa, Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are those things that make you tingle and feel young.

I had to make the experience of Jennah’s wiggly tooth and the much awaited Tooth fairy visit extremely special.

I decided to make a little tooth fairy door for that occasion. I debated for a while if it should be a surprise or make Jennah involved but I figured it would make it all that more special if Jennah made it.

So here’s your inspiration and How to…..

You’ll need:
Cardboard (about 18cm x 11cm, 7inchx4.5inch)
3 Popsicle sticks
Pipe cleaner
Any cutting tool (scissors, razor blade..)



Measuring and cutting the door.



Place 2 of the popsicle sticks on the sides of the cardboard from the bottom to make and the third on the top to attach the other two making a rectangle.

Mark the inside of the sticks with a pencil.
With your cutting tool, I suggest a razor blade, cut the left marking and top all the way through. Slightly shear the right marking to enable you to bend it easily.


Cut the top of the door as to resemble a rooftop.


Paint the cardboard white or any color your child prefers.

Other ideas would be to either use white cardboard or cover it with tissue or construction paper…

We went with painting because it’s just more fun for the kids!
Off course the challenge is to keep them occupied with something else while the paint dries.

My suggestion is stick to the Tooth Fairy theme and either makeup or read a tooth fairy story or find cute facts online about Tooth Fairies.

Glue the popsicle sticks on the sides and top of the cut/ folded edged of the cardboard.



Now the real fun begins….

Let your child paint and design the door the way they like. In my world that’s really hard to ust let them do it “their” way.

If you have a younger child that’s continuously getting into the older child’s work keep them involved tooo….

I gave Zeenah a big piece of cardboard to paint. That really kept her busy and away from her sister’s project.


After the paint has completely dried it’s time for the Fairy Décor!

Jennah added the beads, glitter, pompom for the door knob and the pipe cleaner for the door knocker.
Now you have a gorgeous Tooth Fairy Door that can be placed anywhere the night of the lost tooth allowing her to enter and surprise your child with something in the morning.

Here’s Making Life Memorable one lost tooth at a time!

Jennah Lost her Tooth!!!!

Jennah Lost her Tooth!!!!

What a milestone in one week!! Jennah survived the first week of school AND she lost her first tooth!!

It’s official my first born is a big girl now.

I’m so glad my motherly instincts kicked in this morning and I got her what she wanted.

She’s been talking about her wiggly tooth almost everyday. “When is it going to fall?” “why is it taking long?” “Is the tooth fairy real?”

Off course as a mother you take full advantage of the Tooth Fairy’s existence. “If the tooth fairy finds out she’ll be upset” “You better clean up or else the tooth fairy won’t come”

It’s not all questions and threats… there’s always the FUN stuff.

We spoke about pixie dust and how the fairy might leave some behind. The land of tooth fairies. The existence of Boy tooth fairies. We also spoke of the things that good teeth get in return like gifts, money, toys….

Almost every time we shopped she would ask if the fairy was going to buy this or that for her. Never did I see that Sparkle in her eye of wanting something specific…..

UNTIL a few days ago we went into Claire’s and she saw purple furry “eye muffies” as she called them and I knew by her giddy voice and question THAT was the perfect gift to go under her pillow.
Now for the Pixie dust…. I thought of getting a small vial and putting some glitter in it. Then I started to think maybe that’s taking TOO much imagination into reality.

So Next thought was glittery nail polish……but that should be a gift on it’s own we still have a full mouthful of teeth!

Then I found it!!! I almost was jumping for joy…. The cutest Necklace ever. A vial pendant with tiny beads. I can’t wait to see her reaction in the morning!

I had to document the loss of her first tooth with a certificate. I looked up a few different fairy names and meanings. I chose fairy Feeorin Austrian she appropriately loves music and dancing… Perrrrrrfect for Jennah! I designed the certificate and put a few nice words and I can’t say I’m not pleased with the outcome:)

While I was at it I also made two little notes to add under her pillow. The tooth fairy description and another one explaining the necklace.

Meanwhile Jennah worked on decorating a jewelry box for the tooth fairy and writing the cutest “Tooth Fairy Request”. She tucked the note in the drawer of the jewelry box and then we put the tooth in the top part.

We neatly put the box with the tooth fairy door we made in the corner of her bed and Jennah said “I can’t wait for tomorrow!”
Now all I need to do is sneak in there at some point and put her goodies under the pillow.

Hope this “Makes Life Memorable” for her.

It’s a wiggly Tooth!!!

It’s a wiggly Tooth!!!

After the regular chaos of  my mornings has come to a calm and the girls are sitting and having their morning fruit snack, Plums were today’s choice, I finally got a chance to sit and do MY morning rituals of e-mails, Social media session, planning and organizing. Jennah, 6years and 9months, comes with a scared look on her face and says “Mama my tooth hurts”….. I looked and smiled and asked which one. She pointed to the bottom and I started my wiggle testing. Come to think of it I didn’t wash my hands before sticking my finger in her mouth…..OOPS! Sure enough I found it. I looked at her and said “Guess What!! your tooth’s wiggling” Something she’s been desperately wanting for the past year. And as a true descendant of mine she starts doing the “Victory Dance”.

And now the fun begins…..the Tooth Fairy is visiting our house for the first time. Lots to think about and so many ideas are rushing through my mind….First stop Pinterest.com for sure to get some creative juices going though my mind. Next I’ll have to figure out am I doing money or a gift? Then off course I must incorporate glitter…. I love glitter and that is Fairy dust after all…..

My inspiration board and a few weeks to implement… Stay tuned for the DIY….

Tooth fairyinspiration board

Now that’s sure gonna Make Life Memorable!