Ever Since the isolation started my whole routine (as with everyone in the world) has been turned upside down. One of the things I miss is my 5 AM Club…. My happy place of early socializing before the crazy part of my day starts….No it’s not online it’s my morning workout at the gym.
I love it and not for the same reasons others might love it. The 15 minutes of laughs and giggles (mainly me) of when I first enter the gym, then an hour of working out on treadmills, rowers and weights. Me complaining most of the time but still trying my best to keep up with Tina! Her giving me that look that pushed me to reach for the heavier weight or adding a little more on my speed just to catch up to her. Man that lady is my idol. When I grow up I want to be just like her.
Off course lets not forget my dance moves when a really good song comes on. I’ve been told off a few times but hey makes the workouts a whole lot more bearable for me!
Then that hour is over and I get another 15 minutes of socializing. My happy cup is filled and I can start my day on a high!
Well when that all stopped and we had to resort to our own workouts the “At home workouts” weren’t enough. I went through the motions because I knew I needed to stay on track or else the body I’ve worked so hard to achieve will go in a direction I don’t want.
It may come as a shock to many but I really REALLY no REEEEEAALLY don’t like working out. It is not fun! It’s painful and stinky. Don’t get me wrong I love the feeling of accomplishment of going faster or reaching my target weight/rep and whatever else but it’s just not my cup of tea. With that said I know I have to do it if I want to maintain my figure. People might think it’s my fitness level or health I’m worried about…nope! It’s staying a size 2 that’s what I am doing it for. Pure undoubted VANITY.
Where am I going with this….. Simple. I need people, a community or a group to help me work out. I don’t need someone to encourage or motivate me to do the actual workout. I can do them it’s just so boring alone. It’s more about being a part of a group and feeding off of that sense of accomplishment, cheering each other and bonding. I’m smiling just thinking of how fun it is to be working out as a group even if its not physically together.
So when I saw this challenge on facebook I quickly got on that train or should I say BIKE!! Its the Great Cycle Challenge. A biking challenge to raise money for Kids with cancer. You set yourself a target to pedal in August and log your kilometres throughout the month to achieve your goal in the hopes of achieving your fundraising goal.
The best part there’s a complete community that you’re a part of. Both on social media and real life. I’m starting to ride with friends, on my own and posting on the challenge site, getting people’s feedback, seeing people’s accomplishments……I FEEL ALIVE!
The challenge is giving me the physical satisfaction AND emotional, but more importantly it’s for an amazing cause.

9 – Aug – 2020 I’m happy that I’ve reached a milestone.
I still have a lot more to go but with the support of everyone around me both virtually and physically I’m excited to complete this journey with flying colors.
If you wish to see my dashboard or
donate Click here!
Here’s to Making Life Memorable one Challenge at a time!