There’s an obsession I have with Pinterest I think I’ve got over 8K pins on mt 120 boards and increasing daily! I’m infatuated yet I can’t say I have actually done most of them.
Granted I do draw many inspirations from them and I would like to commit to starting crossing the ones I’ve done out. Just for self satisfaction. I don’t think the pin gods are looking down at me and shaking their head at all the “unmade” pins I have.
Since I’m a roll on making changes to my life I have decided that I will “Pin Post”. Not sure if that’s even a word but if it does start a trend then at least I started it…..
So Pin Post is my version of choosing something on pinterest, making it, documenting it as best as I can and posting about it…..whether it was fun, successful, enjoyable and the similarity of what I made in comparison to the actual pin.
I may even try to do a poll out of it…or some sort of voting on what I should try next…..
Making Life Memorable pinning…..