Tag Archives: momblog



I started off this post writing “I’m so Excite” then I realized this seems to be a reoccurring way to start…  That’s not good blogging technique but hey I’m really excited so I’m thrilled, enthused, delighted….or whatever adjective you choose about what we have planned for today!!!

We are taking the girls to PRAIRIE GARDENS to their Hop! Easter Festival I’m not sure if the girls are going to have much fun as I will!!!

I can’t wait to get there and do everything!!! If you’re interested the details for the00 are:

Good Friday April 14th, Saturday April 15th, Easter Sunday April 16th, and Holiday Monday April 17th.

I’m pretty sure  Prairie Garden will be Making Life Memorable for us this Easter!


Get them Greens

Get them Greens

Every household has their eating habits and I must say I’m blessed that my children defy the norms of “kid food” habits. I’m not sure if its because that’s just what we as parents eat and so they follow or because I never prepared kid food for them to begin with. Never the less I’m grateful no matter how it happened.

So tonight by popular demand its baked Brussels sprouts & Zucchini. The easiest recipe EVEEEEEER!!! You can basically use this method for ANY vegetable. So choose your family favorite and get prepping!



First off cut your veggies length-wise……

This is probably the most tedious part of the dish because after the first dozen you really get bored.

How people find cutting veggies relaxing is beyond me! Painfully time consuming!



Line a cookie sheet with parchments paper…now I’m not sure if there’s any baking purpose for this step but it for sure makes washing your cookie sheet a lot faster!! Another thing I can’t understand how people find washing dishes relaxing!


Drizzle your veggies with olive oil. I also like to add Oregano and fresh ground black pepper. You can basically use what ever spice you like….. Paprika, dried parsley….etc Or some shredded Parmesan for an extra taste kick. Mix your veggies around to get them evenly coated.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in 400 degrees oven.  An vioala…. fancy baked veggies!



How’s that for Making Life Memorable one dish at a time!

Kisses, hugs & handshakes Oh My!

Kisses, hugs & handshakes Oh My!

Our lives are always ever changing and dynamic as ever. Some may have it all figured out, others are just happy letting it take its course. For us we always want more as a family. More time, more hobbies, more security more more and more of whatever.

After 17 years of my husband being in Kuwait and “letting it take its course” he finally decided its time for much “More” by moving “home” as he calls it. What that more is we have yet to see as our lives unfold with our very courageous (on my part at least) leap of faith.

Leaving my family, friends and life as I know it to a city, province and country that is completely and utterly new. The move to Canada was always inevitable in my husband’s eye. After all our girls and himself are Canadian ….It is their home, their future and their opportunities. But still we go back to all new to me and I basically have the opportunity to reinvent myself and start everything from scratch. New home, new friends, new lifestyle and new everything.

Among so many things to adjust to, which I’m sure i’ll touch base on every once in a while, there is one major thing that I’m finding very different & sometimes awkward and that’s our greetings. Back home the most common way of greeting each other is the 2 cheek kiss. Peck on the right, peck on the left and you’r set. Yes its stereotypical but true Middle Easterners are just really touchy feely in that way. When I was in college in the States it was always a “hello hug” simple and straight to the point. Then off course there’s the universal handshake when its someone you just meet or not very close too. Yet i find myself in Canada standing awkwardly more often than not. I’ve met several people and we have passed the polite handshake yet I realized I’m always the one that’s reaching in for a “hello hug” and because Canadians are known for their politeness they respond. Does that mean there isn’t a hug?? Am I supposed to just walk into a friends house and shrug and say “Hey whatsaaaaaap!”?? Hmmmm I should try that Because up until now (3 months into our move) I still wonder……..





So until I figure out my greeting I’ll continue Making Life Memorable in my own way in our new home!