I am Thankful that I survived my first Ramadan in Canada! Read the rest of this entry
I am Thankful that I survived my first Ramadan in Canada! Read the rest of this entry
Ever since I can remember my name has been a challenge for many “North Americans” to pronounce. So when they see SAMAR I immediately here my name butchered into Sam-Are or Sum- Are. Read the rest of this entry
The most difficult part of being away from Family is when you have to start a new tradition of your own….
A New place…
A New life….
A New beginning……
No Twice a week Futoor at my Mom’s, no hanging out to the wee hours with my sister M playing cards and eating “Hab” (seeds). Read the rest of this entry
I believe there’s a kid in everyone and sometime in our life we seem to loose that inner child.
I really wish that my girls always keep the kid in them as I believe in everything magical and I still find the wonder in all things Disney.
My father’s (May he rest in Peace) favorite ride at Disneyland was It’s a Small World. I still tear up every time I hear that song.
Even though we still haven’t done the Disney family trip yet I do believe that every Disney movie reminds me of my inner child.
Now with that said I feel like there’s so much more to every song from every Disney movie I’ve watched.
I have emotionally gotten attached to singing “Let it go” from the movie Frozen for every situation in life that was out of my hands and can’t change. I’m sure every one can relate to that on many levels.
Well I’ve evolved from having “Let it go” as my soundtrack to “You’re Welcome” from the movie Moana!
Disney can always find a song from Disney that truly makes me feel better or express my emotion. It’s a fact Disney gets me!!
Making Life Memorable with every Disney Soundtrack!
For the first time since I became a Mom I can honestly say I have had a “Real” Mother’s Day…..
I mean sure I got the little cute things that the girls made at pre-school, or kindergarten or school….
An extra hug here or there…..
But not a real official celebration of me
I think the girls were always in some activity and the importance of celebrating was secondary…..
I am thankful that I do get my “me time” once in a while but today I would like to share My Mother’s day Wins of 2017
So here goes….
♥ I got to sleep in until 9am (hubby took care of the girls)
♥ I got to take a nice long un-interuptted shower.
♥ My morning Tea was delivered to my room
♥ I got the most creative home-made card from Jennah featuring photos of hubby, Jennah & Zeenah with a Mom-trivia identifying me as “A Cooking Mom”
♥ Zeenah made a little pot for my jewlery with the cutest flowers and a thoughtful card highlighting how much she loves our morning hugs and cooking together
♥ I got to wear a DRESS & HEELS
♥ We went to Moxies for brunch
♥ Got the cutest flowers in my favorite color….. PURPLE
♥ Got to go to Michaels for fun and just browse
♥ Baked Brownies with the girls
♥ Watched Bedtime Stories cuddled up as a family (If you haven’t watched the movie its adorable! LOVED IT!!!!)
♥ Made Roasted Potatoes with Sole for dinner
♥ Endulged in our homemade Brownies
As much as I resisted all temptations to do housework I just couldn’t, therefore…..
♥ Washed and Dried TWO loads of laundry
How did you spend mother’s day????
On this Mother’s day my family focused on me by Making life Memorable as a Mother
Everyone has a special place in their heart for their mother. Sure let’s admit it there’s always times we don’t seem to see eye-to-eye but we grow up and realize “Mother knows best”!
I really find myself understanding my mother a lot more now that I have children of my own. I find myself saying things and realizing I sound exactly like her and try to resist laughing when I see the reaction on my daughter’s face knowing EXACTLY what is going through her head ready to tell her “been there done that”
But at the end of the day we love them with all our hearts and know that we need to cherish them.
There’s no better way to celebrate our Moms with actually giving them a National Holiday called Mother’s Day…. Now being from the Middle east we celebrate Mother’s day on March 20. Now that I’m in North America this year I’ll be wishing my mom a Happy Mother’s day on May 14th from across the Atlantic…. A lot further than i’d like but that’s life, we have to make the best of it no matter where we are.
So Starting today until the day I’ll be posting Mother’s Day Theme posts. From little snippets for all those in Edmonton, Alberta on things around town as inspiration of what they can do for their mom’s or for themselves!!!
Making Life Memorable for all moms and daughters.
I’ve decided that the last day of each month I’m going to post a gallery of pictures of some of my highlights for the whole month….. I may decide just to put the pictures or possibly have some commentary all depends on my inspiration
Here goes my first in the series……………………………
Making Life Memorable our way!
Weather in every Country is super unique and it creates a new appreciation to nature. I’ve never lived anywhere that snowed….let alone continuously cold for long periods of time. I’m now living in Canada that is teaching a new appreciation to both Snow and Sun.
It almost sounds unreal when I say I came from +50 C to -40 C…. hard to really wrap your head around it. As one of my friends said (and I repeat continuously) “There’s no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing”. I find now with a good coat and boots I can last about 5 minutes outdoors….LOL!!! I actually made myself laugh as I wrote that……
Again its what you make out of it…. snow angels snow men and all
Your kids get super excited and run up a brown hill that will soon be green…..
………and scream AAAAAALLLL the way down.
It’s all about taking those lemons life gave you and making Lemonade… So Making Life Memorable is in the palm of your hands!!
Every household has their eating habits and I must say I’m blessed that my children defy the norms of “kid food” habits. I’m not sure if its because that’s just what we as parents eat and so they follow or because I never prepared kid food for them to begin with. Never the less I’m grateful no matter how it happened.
So tonight by popular demand its baked Brussels sprouts & Zucchini. The easiest recipe EVEEEEEER!!! You can basically use this method for ANY vegetable. So choose your family favorite and get prepping!
First off cut your veggies length-wise……
This is probably the most tedious part of the dish because after the first dozen you really get bored.
How people find cutting veggies relaxing is beyond me! Painfully time consuming!
Line a cookie sheet with parchments paper…now I’m not sure if there’s any baking purpose for this step but it for sure makes washing your cookie sheet a lot faster!! Another thing I can’t understand how people find washing dishes relaxing!
Drizzle your veggies with olive oil. I also like to add Oregano and fresh ground black pepper. You can basically use what ever spice you like….. Paprika, dried parsley….etc Or some shredded Parmesan for an extra taste kick. Mix your veggies around to get them evenly coated.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in 400 degrees oven. An vioala…. fancy baked veggies!
How’s that for Making Life Memorable one dish at a time!