Its October and the countdown of every even in my life has began.
You might laugh but this is no laughing matter for me…it’s serious and crunch time has officially started with events galore on the horizon.
This is the time when I bring out the iPad and crank up my pins on Pinterest. Whether I do them all or just a few is besides the point. I know they’re there and I’m confident that I’ll eventually get around to it.
October is the beginning of Fall in my book and the preparation of costume season for Halloween.
One of my favorite things to do is have little crafting sessions with the girls with “Fall Themed” crafts.
I’m not sure how we’re going to do it this year with Jennah being in 3rd grade and overworked between homework and activities. But I really hope that I’ll get around to doing something fun like this with the girls.

I would love to go around in our Garden and have the girls collect all sorts of Leaves from the ground.
I’d probably bring down some paint and have them dip the leaves in the paint and make imprints on Paper. Maybe even glue the leaves too. Have actual leaves and imprints would look pretty and introduce them to different “Mediums”.

Off course always on the agenda is baking and decorating cupcakes…. These are a few of the designs we’ve made in the past.
It’s time to get more creative and see what the girls can come up with this year….
Perhaps we can make a whole graveyard?? Who knows….
All this aside this month requires a great deal of creativity and skill because it’s off course costume season for the whole family!!
I think we’ve done every kids of costume from purchasing to making….and it’s time we go all over it again….
Here’s a few samples of what we’ve done in the past and I can’t wait to get started all over again!

I’ve always wanted to have a little Halloween even of my own but with our November birthdays and Christmas preparations I’ve always thought it’s overloading myself.

But we do have one major tradition that we always do and that’s the carving of the pumpkin…. We all go to Sultan and buy a really nice American pumpkin and get all creative in carving it.
Off course Zeenah is assigned to gut it all out, while Jennah is the one that draws out the design and I have the pleasure of carving it all out.
I would like to get more creative and do several pumpkins but unfortunately they don’t last very long because of the heat and they do start to smell.
Maybe this time around we can Paper Mache a Pumpkin…or several pumpkins.
There are just so many ideas that I can’t wait to try out ad share with all my readers. And hopefully in this process I help in Making Life Memorable for you too!!