When I bake I like to use a simple recipe that doesn’t over complicate my life… Read the rest of this entry
When I bake I like to use a simple recipe that doesn’t over complicate my life… Read the rest of this entry
As promised I have tried it for the past 30 days and here are my thoughts
I had posted on my Instagram a late night picture of what I was going to make to tame my sweet craving….
Now i’m big on desserts and baking but at such a late hour i didn’t have the luxury of time and wanted to just have something sweet…. That takes less than 20 minutes to be devoured!
Next step is basically Mix ALL ingredients in a food processor until it begins to fold in on itself creating a dough like look.
Using a tablespoon or a mini ice cream scooper ( My personal choice!) Drop the balls of the dough onto parchment paper. ( you could just eat scoops out just like that if you want too!! )
Optional Garnish: To fancy up the balls you can sprinkle the balls with more lime zest.
Freeze the balls for at least 5 minutes if you’re in a hurry….ideally 10-15 minutes will make them completely firm
At this point you have two choices…. Eat the whole batch (totally doable!!! I know) or be a little more sensible and have a few and store the remaining in a ziploc or air tight container in the freezer…..
Making Life Memorable with sweet bites
I believe I may have been Hispanic in my past life and funny enough there were many times when I was in college (in Austin, Texas) that so many people would speak to me in Spanish assuming I was. I probably disappointed them when I’d reply in Arabic just for kicks!
Looking back at the 4 years when I was there I really should have lived up “Cinco De Mayo” a lot more. Off course I find myself looking back at MANY situations now and thinking “If only I knew then what I know now” The good thing is as we grow we realize the importance of the little things and try to make up for it all.
So because the weekend is always crammed with all sorts of things and weather is unpredictable we decided to seize the day and have a Barbecue a little earlier….
Soon on the blog will be the recipe for the Maple Pecan Chocolate Balls
Making Life Memorable with every meal!
There’s an obsession I have with Pinterest I think I’ve got over 8K pins on mt 120 boards and increasing daily! I’m infatuated yet I can’t say I have actually done most of them.
Granted I do draw many inspirations from them and I would like to commit to starting crossing the ones I’ve done out. Just for self satisfaction. I don’t think the pin gods are looking down at me and shaking their head at all the “unmade” pins I have.
Since I’m a roll on making changes to my life I have decided that I will “Pin Post”. Not sure if that’s even a word but if it does start a trend then at least I started it…..
So Pin Post is my version of choosing something on pinterest, making it, documenting it as best as I can and posting about it…..whether it was fun, successful, enjoyable and the similarity of what I made in comparison to the actual pin.
I may even try to do a poll out of it…or some sort of voting on what I should try next…..
Making Life Memorable pinning…..
Don’t you wish you have the formula to have the perfect body?? I mean yes I am happy with myself and I do generally feel happy with my body (until I go to a fitting room and realize I chose a few sizes smaller than what I really am!!
I just want to be as skinny as I think I am in my head….. I know I should work out, walk more, control eating….Which I’ve done and succeeded many times but then I get burned out and life just distracts me!
So as I was on my daily pinning spree on pinterest I spotted something that I can’t wait to try. They claim that it will make belly fat disappear faster than ever. Off course I read the article twice over with all the scientific mubo jumbo about what each ingredients’ health benefits and all that. Seems legit! The best part is that the 3 ingredient concoction is added to your daily coffee….So if noting comes out of it I would have just added some extra flavoring to my coffee….No harm in that!
I decided I’m going to give it a try. So come May 25 (a month from now) I’ll do a follow up post with my finding!!!
Making life Memorable with weight loss!!
Click here for more details about the mix.
Halloween has to be one of the most creative holidays ever!! There’s so much one can do yet I find myself struggling to find the time.
I love being creative and will use every excuse possible to do something useful. Holidays like Halloween and Christmas give me that fulfillment, if life just didn’t get in the way I would do so much more!
Off course costumes are just the tip of the iceberg. Oh and let’s not forget my obsession with pinterest that has a gazillion inspiration boards.
Do you plan anything special for Halloween??
Well I would like to share a few of my favorite pictures and links for all those “Halloween” and “DIY” enthusiasts.
do you have your COSTUMES picked out yet?? Check out Simply Kierste for some costume inspiration.
What about a special homemade TREAT like Popcorn Balls?? This is a recipe that I’ve been wanting to try for the longest time.
One of the many traditions we have at our house is the carving of the pumpkin. Off course Zeenah looooooves getting her hands dirty taking all the seeds and gutting the Pumpkin.
We tend to do traditional Jack-O-Lantern because it’s just that much easier with 2 kids but I always wanted to venture out and trying something new.
I would love to be able to paint a set of pumpkins or doing glitter designs.
Unfortunately with the lack of Pumpkin Patches in Kuwait and the obscene prices of a traditional pumpkin I’ve resorted to just admiring all the designs online.
Of course I could always venture out into making Paper Mache pumpkins and then doing whatever design but I’m almost afraid to get something like that started and end up with too many pumpkins and no place to store them!
I hope that these few ideas and links helps you get inspired and assists in Making Life Memorable for you and your kids.
One of my girls’ favorite restaurants is Red Lobster. I must agree with them when it comes to their tasty cheddar biscuits.
They are so addictive that it’s extremely difficult to just have one. Totally sinful!!!
I set out to try to make those biscuits as best as I can…. I’ve tried several ways with additions and omissions to finally get the closets thing I could to the real thing.
Try them out and tell me what you think!
2 1/2 cups Bisquick baking mix
¾ cup cold whole milk
4 tablespoons cold butter (1/2 stick)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup cheddar cheese (heaping), grated
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
Combine Bisquick with cold butter in a medium bowl using a pastry cutter or a large fork. You don’t want to mix too thoroughly.
There should be small chunks of butter in there that are about the size of peas. Add cheddar cheese, milk, and 1/4 teaspoon garlic.
Mix by hand until combined, but don’t over mix.
Drop approximately 1/4-cup portions of the dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet using an ice cream scoop.
Bake for 15 to 17 minutes or until the tops of the biscuits begin to turn light brown.
Meanwhile Prepare the topping:
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
pinch salt
When you take the biscuits out of the oven. Use a brush to spread this garlic butter over the tops of all the biscuits.
Use up all of the butter.
This batch made about 14 biscuits.
Off course the minute I put them out on the table Zeenah couldn’t wait to dive right into them!!!
The look on her face says it all…. I’m pretty sure that fits right into Making Life Memorable for her!
When planning my girls’ birthdays I always like to have at least 2 or 3 games for the kids. I’ve come to realize that all they want to do is just run around and have fun but I still do it anyway!!
One thing I always like to make sure of is choosing a game where everyone is a winner and no hard feelings. There’s nothing worse than making a kid cry on your child’s birthday. So musical chairs is OUT! Too rough and just our mean of a game for me!
The way I avoid any losers is by actually having the kids that are out choose a gift from a huge box of 100fils toys, stickers, bubbles, stationary, colors, play dough….etc Soon some of the kids wanted to loose just to be able to choose a gift from the box.
Off course the games I choose are always theme related.
For example, Zeenah’s 3rd birthday was a monkey theme. So instead of the traditional pass the parcel I had pass the monkey.
I used a stuffed monkey that they passed around. Whenever the music stopped the person that had the monkey got to leave the circle and choose a gift from the “Box”.
Last person got to keep the stuffed monkey as their prize.
I take every opportunity I get to get artistic and crafty.
The minute I found these cute little plush bananas I had a light bulb moment…..
A Banana toss would be a perfect “Monkey Themed” game.
First on the agenda was to get a big cardboard box.
Perfect, conveniently I have a gift shop that I always save some shipping boxes just for occasions such as these!
I took the box and outlines the monkey I wanted.
I then cut out the “mouth” intended for the banana’s to be tossed into.
Off course after that was my favorite part which is painting!!!
It was even better than the way I imagined… The girls were super excited after I had finished it that they played with it constantly before the big debut on the birthday.
For a 3 year old birthday I figured 2 games was just enough and I was right!!!
We had the singing of the birthday shortly after and a chance in Making Life Memorable for everyone involved.
As much as I’m not an advocate of distributing candy to children I cannot resist a good old fashioned Piñata.
A fun ritual I think for me to make and for the kids to destroy.
For Zeenah’s 4th birthday she had picked the perfect theme to design a Piñata for. I would actually dream about what the “Ladybug” Piñata would look like and couldn’t wait to start on it during the planning process.
Let me walk you through what I did for Zeenah’s Lady bug Piñata.
One of the most important things when making a homemade Piñata after the Paper Mache recipe is the base.
Sounds complicated?? Not really!!
The base consists of none other than a plain ‘ole regular balloon.
It’s not the balloon that makes the piñata it’s how you design it after wards that makes it fabulous.
The first thing I did was attach two balloons.
The large 3′ balloon was t make the body of the Lady bug and is the part to be popped after completion to add the candy into.
The other balloon was a regular 18″ latex balloon that I used as the head of the ladybug.
I used red balloons just for fun but the color really doesn’t matter because it’s all going to be covered anyway!!
The next step is the REEEEEELLy messy part.
The dipping of the news paper strips into the Paper Mache past and gluing on top of the balloons.
The important part is to make sure you leave an opening at the top in order to be able to fill the piñata with candy.
After you finish putting the first layer of newspaper strips is to leave it to dry before putting another layer. I always wait at least a day before putting the following layer.
I like to put 4-5 layers of Paper Mache strips to make sure that it’s strong enough.
The entire process usually takes me a 5 days between paper Mache strips and drying time.
Now the artistic part begins!!!
I bought red and black crepe paper to cover the body and head of my “ladybug”.
This was such a tedious and time consuming task because I insisted on making the crepe paper ruffled.
It would have been much easier to just glue it on without the extra designing but then again it’s me we’re talking about and I love making life difficult for myself!!
The body was covered in red crepe paper and I had covered the head in black.
I kept the balloons intact and decided to pop it at the end to make sure that the Paper Mache is completely dried and stable.
You also have to remember to make sure you keep the opening at the top of the piñata uncovered with crepe paper to be able to pop the balloon and fill with candy.
I used my 2″ round punch to make the spots of the lady bug by making circles out of black construction paper.
I then stuck the spots onto the body of my ladybug. The hardest part in this process was to glue the spots randomly. I’m such a uniform person that I found a few spots that were aligned with each other.
But towards the end I tended to stick some of the spots closer to each other jus to get the random look.
With regular white construction paper I cut out the outline of an eyeball and drew the pupil with a black marker.
I think this was the easiest part in the whole piñata project.
The final part of the piñata design was to stick the eyes onto the ladybug head.
I also made a little smile using white construction paper to make the lady bug look a little more friendly.
Using several black pipe cleaners I had made antennas for our little bugger.
Drum roll please for my piñata masterpiece!!!
The final task is always left for my husband, I create but he’s in charge of implementing my visualization.
After filling the piñata with candy and turned out to be extremely heavy and I left him with the challenge.
This is what it looked like in our garden!!!
I made a mess in the process of Making Life Memorable and I enjoyed every minute of it!