Tag Archives: Holiday
My Summer Rules

I’m all about fun but with lots of rules. Read the rest of this entry
Eid Mubarak

I am Thankful that I survived my first Ramadan in Canada! Read the rest of this entry
Memories of May
Ramadan 2017

The most difficult part of being away from Family is when you have to start a new tradition of your own….
A New place…
A New life….
A New beginning……
This Ramadan is another “NEW” and will be very different for me…..
No Twice a week Futoor at my Mom’s, no hanging out to the wee hours with my sister M playing cards and eating “Hab” (seeds). Read the rest of this entry
When Disney gets you!

Disney seems to really understand me….
I believe there’s a kid in everyone and sometime in our life we seem to loose that inner child.
I really wish that my girls always keep the kid in them as I believe in everything magical and I still find the wonder in all things Disney.
My father’s (May he rest in Peace) favorite ride at Disneyland was It’s a Small World. I still tear up every time I hear that song.
Even though we still haven’t done the Disney family trip yet I do believe that every Disney movie reminds me of my inner child.
Now with that said I feel like there’s so much more to every song from every Disney movie I’ve watched.
I have emotionally gotten attached to singing “Let it go” from the movie Frozen for every situation in life that was out of my hands and can’t change. I’m sure every one can relate to that on many levels.
Well I’ve evolved from having “Let it go” as my soundtrack to “You’re Welcome” from the movie Moana!
Disney can always find a song from Disney that truly makes me feel better or express my emotion. It’s a fact Disney gets me!!
Making Life Memorable with every Disney Soundtrack!
Mother’s Day Gift from David’s Tea

Sometimes it’s about appreciating yourself….
I find so many time I’m just busy thinking of everyone around me and I forget that I have to treat myself too.
While we were at Southgate Center I realized hey what’s more special than buying a few treats for myself and call it my own Mother’s day gift for Myself.
I indulged…….
I splurged……
I stocked up
on a few teas and a little bit more from what is now my favorite tea store….. DAVIDs Tea
I just can’t believe it took me that long to actually go in and buy some things from there. I think it was probably avoiding the inevitable of spending more than I need to but its ALL very much worth it!
I couldn’t wait to come home and make me a cup of tea.
Making Life Memorable one sip at a time!!!
Go with the flow…..

I find that there’s a similarity between living in Kuwait and Canada…..Sounds totally out of wack I know but it involves the weather.
There were many times when I would have the perfect plan of how I would like to spend my day….Ha ha ha! Jokes on me, you can’t always plan especially when there are so many external forces working in another direction.
So many times when we were in Kuwait I would have the best outdoor plan to take the girls and we wake up on the day and it’s just way to dusty to go out let alone spend the day outdoors.
Well much to my surprise we have cancelled several “outdoor” plans in Canada because of too much snow!!! When we thought it had all cleared up we wake up to a few inches of snow and spend it at the mall or movies instead.
So when I planned the girls’ Easter weekend to go to an Easter event at Prairie Gardens and realize its not happening when read online:
* Hop! Into Spring Festival – Cancelled *
Due to the extremely wet, snowy and muddy conditions – we’re sorry to announce that we’re cancelling the Hop! Into Spring Festival this weekend (April 29 & 30). Apologies for any inconvenience.
We just had to change the plan and just do something in the warmth of the indoors….West Edmonton Mall it was!!!
Stay tuned to see our visit to Prairie Gardens!
Making Like Memorable no matter what challenges we face!!
Fancy PhotoShoot-Easter
The wonderful thing i found about moving to Canada is the fact that you instantly become part of a community. With the help of social media and our “Community League” facbook page i got to virtually meet so many members of my community. It keeps me up-to-date without trying and knowing what new businesses are basically in our backyard!
This is exactly how I found out about the BODEUX PHOTOGRAPHY! We had the best time during the girls Easter photo session…
There was lots of gigles and laughs and Jared was absolutely amazing and patient when the girls were a little too silly!! And boy can the be extra silly!!!
Everything was super easy from the time we booked our session all the way to downloading the pictures!
As hard as it was to choose a picture to feature on the blog I figured I have to just blindly pick one!!
But then you don’t really get the essence of how much fun the girls had as much as this picture!!!
So the next time you are Making Life Memorable be sure to contact BODEUX PHOTOGRAPHY I’m positive you’ll have a wonderful experience.
For more information contact Jared Bodeux
I started off this post writing “I’m so Excite” then I realized this seems to be a reoccurring way to start… That’s not good blogging technique but hey I’m really excited so I’m thrilled, enthused, delighted….or whatever adjective you choose about what we have planned for today!!!
We are taking the girls to PRAIRIE GARDENS to their Hop! Easter Festival I’m not sure if the girls are going to have much fun as I will!!!
I can’t wait to get there and do everything!!! If you’re interested the details for the00 are:
Good Friday April 14th, Saturday April 15th, Easter Sunday April 16th, and Holiday Monday April 17th.
I’m pretty sure Prairie Garden will be Making Life Memorable for us this Easter!