Have you missed me?? Did you notice I’ve been lagging on posting on the blog?? NO?! “Seriously” he he he!!!
Well in case you were wondering I’ve been overwhelmed with my upcoming store.
Its been more than a few months in the works…. Moved from our old location in Salmiya to a lovely big tower in sharq called “Kipco Tower”.
The first step in any business and change of location is paperwork, paperwork, paperwork…. oh did I mention more paperwork??
It would be nice if all this was done online….or at least part of it but we are where we are and you just have to accept it and go with the flow.
Off course we went through the usual hurdles, obstacles, leaps & jumps….a real test of endurance and I did it AAAAALLL with a big fat smile on my face.
Always keep in mind the end result, your goal should always be on the top of your mind don’t for a moment get discouraged! You’ll surely feel relief and accomplishment when it’s all over.

Our space is about 80 square meters with a perfect little corner for my office.
After all the designs, carpentry and the works my operation manager (A.K.A my husband) looked after the final steps of making the store organized and squeaky clean.
We used a company called Bleach (tel: 65194789).
The first thing they did was assess our space and the work required. Followed by a quote. After my approval we set up the day and time and we moved forward.
I loved the fact that they were punctual. Such efficiency and time effectiveness. We were very happy with the job that they did and I would really recommend them to everyone that needs professional cleaning service.

Everything fell into place just in time for our big shipment of the season….
All these boxes are filled with lots & lots of fun gifts and collections that are unique, original and one of a kind.
I feel giddy every time I open every single carton, box after box I can’t wait to just open the doors and let all you in to share the joy!

Off course since we are a Gift Basket company I have to always make sure the choices of ribbons are available… I am in love with our ribbon & wrapping station!
It was so much fun organizing and sorting the ribbons!
Given that it’s Eid Holiday our (my) main goal is to open a few hours a day to all my followers and instagrammers (@obb_kuwait) to have a sneak peak of the store and get first bid purchases on our Halloween items.

So far our “owl” shelf is complete.
So stay tuned for dates & times!!! I hope that this fun experience will “Make Life Memorable” for everyone that walks in through our door!