In my quest to a healthier life I’ve started to watch my sugar, gluten and dairy intake. I never realized that it would be as challenging as it is, especially that I LOVE to bake. Read the rest of this entry
In my quest to a healthier life I’ve started to watch my sugar, gluten and dairy intake. I never realized that it would be as challenging as it is, especially that I LOVE to bake. Read the rest of this entry
I’m always trying to make sure that my healthy food intake is more than my “Not so healthy” intake.
Making sure I’m balanced and trying to go back to my 20 year old body seems to be my Theme for the last…um “few” years. So I’m always in the search of the best recipe or something different. Thanks to the online world there’s always something I can try out and make it my own.
I’d like to share my version of a Healthy “Fall Cookie” So yummy that you have to resist eating them all!! Here’s My version of a Spiced Pumpkin Cookie.
Here’s a BAKING TIP I like to use an ice cream scoop to drop my cookies, that way they are all the same size and look nicer. With these cookies I used the back of the scooper to flatten them before baking.
One important factor is that you have to consider your oven and how it usually bakes. I tend to like my cookies a little on the softer side so I tend to barely bake these for 20 minutes….However, my husband LOVES cookies extra crispy and borderline burnt at the bottom so I do make a batch that’s baked for about 25 minutes.
So Make it your own and Enjoy! Here’s to Making Life Memorable one healthy treat at a time…..
Every Weekend there’s always a dilemma in our house as to where to go out for breakfast. Coming from Kuwait where it’s basically Restaurant-Mania I find it extremely challenging in Edmonton. Maybe because not everything is centered around eating as it was back home??? Or possibly I’m not in the IN CROWD never the less we still have to research convenient and nice breakfast places.
So by pure luck and coincidence we found out that Moxie’s has one greaaaat breakfast. My personal favorite was the Smoked Salmon & Avocado Bagel.
Visit Moxie’s website to find the closest Moxie’s to you….
Making Life Memorable for Mom!
There’s always a reason to just kick back and have an enjoyable cup of coffee (or tea, or whatever) in and atmosphere that relaxes you….Want to have that kid of relaxing experience day???
Well head on over to Good Earth CoffeeHouse one of my favorite coffee places in Summerside!!! Be sure to bring your travel mug and enjoy a free drink in celebration of #Earthday! Good Earth Summerside: 936 91 St SW, Edmonton
Sometimes it’s about Making Life Memorable with every sip of java!
It’s such a beautiful sunny morning in Kuwait that you can actually walk to your car without feeling scorched today.
A great day like this is a great excuse for a day out for breakfast… As soon as I drop of the girls to school I call my husband and we make a date out of it before we both heads out to work.
Our latest addiction is Café Bazza in Bneid Al-Gar. Close to home & my work that it’s not going to make me late.
A taste of traditional Kuwaiti food in a historical time warp. With the seating like an old “Gahwa” (traditional old coffee shop) with the modern TV playing old Kuwaiti shows and plays on silent while the radio plays old songs that bring butterflies to your stomach remembering the past.
For those that didn’t live that era it’s equally intriguing to see and hear things from a past you haven’t experienced.
A vast selection on the menu our choice was difficult to make.
My choice was the exquisite “Cheesy Omelet” a delicious combination of eggs, Spinach and Kraft cream cheese (Jibin glassat)
OHHH the rich creamy taste of processed cheese I must say was sublime with the healthy twist of spinach was hard to beat!
My husband was craving the “Qima” a traditional minced meat stir fry (7amsa) with green peas, onion, tomato and what I assume is Indian spices. All on a brick oven bread made like a pizza.
Off course all this wouldn’t be complete without Hummus for dipping.
All this accompanied by traditional Tea with milk in a little pot for one.
We truly had a “big feast” of a breakfast as Jennah would say.
So the next time you’re wondering where to go out for breakfast as early as 7am I would highly recommend that Cafe Bazza be your choice.
The amazing thing is that if the Bneid Al-Gar location is not close enough to you they have several other locations like Salmiya, Avenues, Abu Halifa and A2Z.
Off course you are not limited to breakfast their menu has a variety of lunch/Dinner & Dessert. We do intend to take the girls one day for a full blown meal.
Here’s to Making Life Memorable one meal at a time!
I am no chef or culinary expert but I cook from the heart and have been fortunate that it turns out good.
My technique is probably like thousands of other moms around the world… See what we have on hand and make! Luckily with our Middle Eastern habits we tend to have lots of fresh veggies always on hand. So it makes it easy to whip something healthy.
Another habit of all moms is that we don’t have the luxury of time to spend hours in the kitchen. So I came up with a quick Frittata that can be prepared in advance and heated as needed. It’s also perfect for brunch.
Heat Oven to 180 Degrees C (about 350F)
1 cup shredded Squash
1 cup shredded Carrots
1/4 Cup chopped Parsley
1/4 Cup shredded Parmesan
2 Tablespoons Flour
1/4 cup Milk
3 Eggs
1. Beat Eggs and Milk Together in a bowl.
2. In a larger Bowl mix all the other ingredients.
3.Add the Egg mixture and whisk all ingredients until mixed well.
4. Spray a baking Pan with cooking owl
5. Pour batter into baking pan. Bake for 25 minutes.
Here’s to Making Life Memorable in the Kitchen!
The first week getting back to the routine of school can get very hectic.
You might have a morning or several when you are so rushed and breakfast might end up on the go.
You definitely want to get a healthy start for your kids.
Don’t worry I got you covered with my delicious Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie!!
1 Banana
1 cup Soya Milk (You can use regular)
1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter
1 Tablespoon Maple Syrup (or honey)
4/5 cubes of Ice
Blend all ingredients until smooth and serve immediately.
Makes 2 servings (1 cup each)
The best part is your kids will enjoy making them giving you some breathing space too!
Jennah got to spend the night at her friend’s house last weekend. Which slightly devastated Zeenah but I am determined to teach the girls that there are times you get to do things together and others where each girl has “her thing”. It’s a hard lesson for them to learn and understand at this point but I think we’re heading towards acceptance.
Just so that I can involve Zeenah I told her she could take her tooth brush, pajama and blankie to the playdate and when it was time to go she can do the whole bedtime ritual and sleep in the car on the way home. She was so excited about it and it made things run smooth. 5:30 am I hear her stomping her way to my bedroom and before I can open my eyes I heard “Now we can go pick up Jennah?” I had to explain that it’s waaaaaay to early and I have something fun we were going to do… we were going out for breakfast just the two of us. Something I’ve never gotten the chance to do because the girls weren’t apart so early in the morning. No we didn’t go out that early, I weaseled a few e-mails here and there while she kept occupied in the playroom until it was a decent hour to go out.
Zeenah bolted into her room to get ready the moment I said “Yala” she was super excited and giddy. She actually wore her fancy party dress. Then packed her little books, crayons and chose her favorite coloring book to keep her occupied at the restaurant. I was just looking and observing how the second child really misses out on one-on-one time. Something I would really like to find the time to do in the future.
Her choice for breakfast was Le Pain Quotidien at the Marina crescent (a family favorite). So off we were buckled up in the car heading on our way. Zeenah was full of stories real and imaginary. I just listened and giggled and we danced in the car, another family favorite.
After being greeted and seated Zeenah didn’t waist any minute she started organizing her activities giving me a step by step run down of what she was doing. “I’m going to first take my colors out…. the green will go next to brown” It really felt like an instructional TV show. She was so precise in her every action.
The waitress came and as predicted Zeenah made her usual order of Egg white omelet with a side of blueberries. I was a little disappointed in the portion of her side but that wasn’t gonna stop our fun.
As we were waiting for our food to arrive Zeenah went through all her planned activities pretty fast…. coloring, reading, book puzzle and packing up right in time for her breakfast.
My Book recommendation for children is to get the small libraries as the one Zeenah was reading. For the really young children the colors and pictures are very entertaining. They come in a very neat box making it easy to carry around and store. Most fun is on the reverse of each book is part of puzzle that they can arrange. For older kids that are of reading age the laungugae is very simple with extremely fun stories. Bring a new level for loving books.
Stay tuned for my post listing these mini libraries and suggestions of where you can purchase them.
Soon it was time for us to go pick up Jennah and Zeenah was jumping for joy to see her sister.
We as parents are sometimes so involved in our daily routine that the time we spend with our younger children suffers because of it. wheather you have 2, 3 or more children take the time to spend one-on-one quality time with each of them. It really goes a long way with them and you will learn so much of who they are as individuals. After all “Making life Memorable” for those you love is what it’s all about.