If any of you out there still don’t have kids (and are planning to) believe that you’ve graduated school and think its all over HAAAAAA Joke’s on you! Think again!!!
It’s only over after your kids have graduated, become adults and have their own kids to worry about!!
The first 2 weeks of school are over and I still have knots in my stomach!! Every time I see a paper coming home in Jennah’s folder I squint and think “now what!”
Ahaaa invitation to attend an open house…. So I’m thinking sure I can handle that! (but please oh please I don’t want to meet that overbearing mom face to face!) Opps should I write that in public?
We tuck the girls in bed, give them an extra 10 minutes to read and out the door my husband and I go.
Kisses here and hellos there to all the mom’s and dad’s we’ve become closer to in the past few years. As my heart is racing and my mind’s thinking “Oh please prove to me once again that I made the right choice in selecting this school for my daughter”
We walk down the 2nd grade hall approaching Jennah’s classroom. There it is on the left Room P014.
My Heart pounding and thinking “Please please be a pleasant year!”
We walk in and naturally we’re the first parents there….funny enough Jennah’s teacher guessed we would be! Yikes ! Am I turning into those mom’s that the teacher avoids when he/she sees them approaching.
Samar forget it….move along, who cares what he thinks.
We take a seat at Jennah’s table and take a look at her little note for us….AWE how sweet she thinks we’re the best parents even when we shout….

Time to look around….OMG!! How cute is that Tweet board!
What an amazing idea!!!
Teacher posts a question as a Tweet and the kids write their responses on sticky notes.
Totally creative!

Oh and check out that Hopes and dreams Board….
Each child write’s what they want to accomplish in the academic year.
Now I’m thinking why didn’t we have this stuff when we were growing up!

Back to Jennah’s table we go and take our seats.
Ready for our guidelines for the year!!!
Her teacher takes the floor and then I start to ease myself into a smile and say to myself.
He sure is going to be “Making Life Memorable” for Jennah!