Disney seems to really understand me….
I believe there’s a kid in everyone and sometime in our life we seem to loose that inner child.
I really wish that my girls always keep the kid in them as I believe in everything magical and I still find the wonder in all things Disney.
My father’s (May he rest in Peace) favorite ride at Disneyland was It’s a Small World. I still tear up every time I hear that song.
Even though we still haven’t done the Disney family trip yet I do believe that every Disney movie reminds me of my inner child.
Now with that said I feel like there’s so much more to every song from every Disney movie I’ve watched.
I have emotionally gotten attached to singing “Let it go” from the movie Frozen for every situation in life that was out of my hands and can’t change. I’m sure every one can relate to that on many levels.
Well I’ve evolved from having “Let it go” as my soundtrack to “You’re Welcome” from the movie Moana!
Disney can always find a song from Disney that truly makes me feel better or express my emotion. It’s a fact Disney gets me!!
Making Life Memorable with every Disney Soundtrack!