Category Archives: Uncategorized

Snow to Sun

Snow to Sun

Weather in every Country is super unique and it creates a new appreciation to nature. I’ve never lived anywhere that snowed….let alone continuously cold for long periods of time. I’m now living in Canada that is teaching a new appreciation to both Snow and Sun.


It almost sounds unreal when I say I came from +50 C to -40 C…. hard to really wrap your head around it. As one of my friends said (and I repeat continuously)  “There’s no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing”. I find now with a good coat and boots I can last about 5 minutes outdoors….LOL!!! I actually made myself laugh as I wrote that……





Again its what you make out of it…. snow angels snow men and all





And then when it all melts you have a gorgeous clear sky…..



Your kids get super excited and run up a brown hill that will soon be green…..




………and scream AAAAAALLLL the way down.




It’s all about taking those lemons life gave you and making Lemonade… So Making Life  Memorable is in the palm of your hands!!

It’s official They Have a YouTube Channel

It’s official They Have a YouTube Channel

In this day and age it’s so hard to keep up with our kids. Even though it seems things are so much more convenient and accessible there isn’t enough time. Even though I have extremely strict rules about electronics (and I’ve been successful so far!) Kids are just built differently these day and we as parents have to adjust and know when to give and come to a mutual agreement about it all….

The girls have been wanting to have their own YouTube channel for some time and I’ve prolonged it as much as I can. Until one day Jennah came up to me with her notepad and we finally set some YouTube rules.

So this summer we will keep everyone entertained with what my girls think is the theme…. Stay tuned and as they always say “Please Subscribe!”

I’ll leave you with their Intro….


Well as it turns out my kids even go by my motto without me intentially teaching it….all about Making Life Memorable