In my quest to a healthier life I’ve started to watch my sugar, gluten and dairy intake. I never realized that it would be as challenging as it is, especially that I LOVE to bake. Read the rest of this entry
In my quest to a healthier life I’ve started to watch my sugar, gluten and dairy intake. I never realized that it would be as challenging as it is, especially that I LOVE to bake. Read the rest of this entry
I’m always trying to make sure that my healthy food intake is more than my “Not so healthy” intake.
Making sure I’m balanced and trying to go back to my 20 year old body seems to be my Theme for the last…um “few” years. So I’m always in the search of the best recipe or something different. Thanks to the online world there’s always something I can try out and make it my own.
I’d like to share my version of a Healthy “Fall Cookie” So yummy that you have to resist eating them all!! Here’s My version of a Spiced Pumpkin Cookie.
Here’s a BAKING TIP I like to use an ice cream scoop to drop my cookies, that way they are all the same size and look nicer. With these cookies I used the back of the scooper to flatten them before baking.
One important factor is that you have to consider your oven and how it usually bakes. I tend to like my cookies a little on the softer side so I tend to barely bake these for 20 minutes….However, my husband LOVES cookies extra crispy and borderline burnt at the bottom so I do make a batch that’s baked for about 25 minutes.
So Make it your own and Enjoy! Here’s to Making Life Memorable one healthy treat at a time…..
When I bake I like to use a simple recipe that doesn’t over complicate my life… Read the rest of this entry
I had posted on my Instagram a late night picture of what I was going to make to tame my sweet craving….
Now i’m big on desserts and baking but at such a late hour i didn’t have the luxury of time and wanted to just have something sweet…. That takes less than 20 minutes to be devoured!
Next step is basically Mix ALL ingredients in a food processor until it begins to fold in on itself creating a dough like look.
Using a tablespoon or a mini ice cream scooper ( My personal choice!) Drop the balls of the dough onto parchment paper. ( you could just eat scoops out just like that if you want too!! )
Optional Garnish: To fancy up the balls you can sprinkle the balls with more lime zest.
Freeze the balls for at least 5 minutes if you’re in a hurry….ideally 10-15 minutes will make them completely firm
At this point you have two choices…. Eat the whole batch (totally doable!!! I know) or be a little more sensible and have a few and store the remaining in a ziploc or air tight container in the freezer…..
Making Life Memorable with sweet bites
I believe I may have been Hispanic in my past life and funny enough there were many times when I was in college (in Austin, Texas) that so many people would speak to me in Spanish assuming I was. I probably disappointed them when I’d reply in Arabic just for kicks!
Looking back at the 4 years when I was there I really should have lived up “Cinco De Mayo” a lot more. Off course I find myself looking back at MANY situations now and thinking “If only I knew then what I know now” The good thing is as we grow we realize the importance of the little things and try to make up for it all.
So because the weekend is always crammed with all sorts of things and weather is unpredictable we decided to seize the day and have a Barbecue a little earlier….
Soon on the blog will be the recipe for the Maple Pecan Chocolate Balls
Making Life Memorable with every meal!
Every household has their eating habits and I must say I’m blessed that my children defy the norms of “kid food” habits. I’m not sure if its because that’s just what we as parents eat and so they follow or because I never prepared kid food for them to begin with. Never the less I’m grateful no matter how it happened.
So tonight by popular demand its baked Brussels sprouts & Zucchini. The easiest recipe EVEEEEEER!!! You can basically use this method for ANY vegetable. So choose your family favorite and get prepping!
First off cut your veggies length-wise……
This is probably the most tedious part of the dish because after the first dozen you really get bored.
How people find cutting veggies relaxing is beyond me! Painfully time consuming!
Line a cookie sheet with parchments paper…now I’m not sure if there’s any baking purpose for this step but it for sure makes washing your cookie sheet a lot faster!! Another thing I can’t understand how people find washing dishes relaxing!
Drizzle your veggies with olive oil. I also like to add Oregano and fresh ground black pepper. You can basically use what ever spice you like….. Paprika, dried parsley….etc Or some shredded Parmesan for an extra taste kick. Mix your veggies around to get them evenly coated.
Bake for 30 to 35 minutes in 400 degrees oven. An vioala…. fancy baked veggies!
How’s that for Making Life Memorable one dish at a time!
One of my girls’ favorite restaurants is Red Lobster. I must agree with them when it comes to their tasty cheddar biscuits.
They are so addictive that it’s extremely difficult to just have one. Totally sinful!!!
I set out to try to make those biscuits as best as I can…. I’ve tried several ways with additions and omissions to finally get the closets thing I could to the real thing.
Try them out and tell me what you think!
2 1/2 cups Bisquick baking mix
¾ cup cold whole milk
4 tablespoons cold butter (1/2 stick)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 cup cheddar cheese (heaping), grated
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
Combine Bisquick with cold butter in a medium bowl using a pastry cutter or a large fork. You don’t want to mix too thoroughly.
There should be small chunks of butter in there that are about the size of peas. Add cheddar cheese, milk, and 1/4 teaspoon garlic.
Mix by hand until combined, but don’t over mix.
Drop approximately 1/4-cup portions of the dough onto an ungreased cookie sheet using an ice cream scoop.
Bake for 15 to 17 minutes or until the tops of the biscuits begin to turn light brown.
Meanwhile Prepare the topping:
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
pinch salt
When you take the biscuits out of the oven. Use a brush to spread this garlic butter over the tops of all the biscuits.
Use up all of the butter.
This batch made about 14 biscuits.
Off course the minute I put them out on the table Zeenah couldn’t wait to dive right into them!!!
The look on her face says it all…. I’m pretty sure that fits right into Making Life Memorable for her!
We love salads in our household and try to be as creative as possible.
The hardest thing is the “dressing” you can be creative I. Vegetables but the dressing is a challenge.
One of my favorites and easiest is my Asian Dressing.
All you need is 3 ingredients soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil.
Mix equal parts of each and enjoy it with any kind of salad. I often use shredded cabbages ( regular, red, bok choy) and shredded carrot.
Easy recipe:
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup sesame oil
I often add Sesame seeds with the dressing to add a nice crunchy twist to it.
Here’s Making Life Memorable
The amazing thing about living in Kuwait is that there’s always fresh dates. Tasty and sweet!!
We have a great Palm tree in our garden that blesses us every summer with dates.
Off course with that blessing comes a big responsibility of having more dates than one can handle…. To that I dedicate this fabulous Date Cake that my mother is very famous for and I’ve made it my own.
1 cup Butter 1 ½ Cup Flour
1 Cup Icing Sugar 1 Teaspoon Salt
1 Egg 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1 Cup boiled Water ½ Tablespoon Baking Soda
1 Cup Pitted Dates
Step 1 Preheat oven to 300ºF. Spray baking pan with vegetable pan spray and coat with 1 tablespoon flour.
Step 2 In a bowl, Soak Pitted dates in the boiled water.
Step 3 Blend butter, icing sugar & egg
Step 4 Add remaining ingredients (except date & Water) to the butter mixture. Blend well. Add Date & Water mixture & mix until all combined.
Step 5 Bake 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool.
Step 6 Pour Caramel Sauce over cooled cake.
1 cup Sugar 1 tablespoon Yogurt
½ Butter ½ cup Milk
1 teaspoon Baking Soda 1 Tablespoon Honey
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium heat stirring constantly until it becomes thick & brown.
Pour over cooled Date cake.
This cake is so good that it’ll no doubt be Making life Memorable every bite you take.