Category Archives: Life

Zeenah’s Special time

Zeenah’s Special time

Jennah got to spend the night at her friend’s house last weekend. Which slightly devastated Zeenah but I am determined to teach the girls that there are times you get to do things together and others where each girl has “her thing”. It’s a hard lesson for them to learn and understand at this point but I think we’re heading towards acceptance.

Just so that I can involve Zeenah I told her she could take her tooth brush, pajama and blankie to the playdate and when it was time to go she can do the whole bedtime ritual and sleep in the car on the way home. She was so excited about it and it made things run smooth. 5:30 am I hear her stomping her way to my bedroom and before I can open my eyes I heard “Now we can go pick up Jennah?” I had to explain that it’s waaaaaay to early and I have something fun we were going to do… we were going out for breakfast just the two of us. Something I’ve never gotten the chance to do because the girls weren’t apart so early in the morning. No we didn’t go out that early, I weaseled a few e-mails here and there while she kept occupied in the playroom until it was a decent hour to go out.

Zeenah bolted into her room to get ready the moment I said “Yala” she was super excited and giddy. She actually wore her fancy party dress. Then packed her little books, crayons and chose her favorite coloring book to keep her occupied at the restaurant. I was just looking and observing how the second child really misses out on one-on-one time. Something I would really like to find the time to do in the future.

Her choice for breakfast was Le Pain Quotidien at the Marina crescent (a family favorite). So off we were buckled up in the car heading on our way. Zeenah was full of stories real and imaginary. I just listened and giggled and we danced in the car, another family favorite.

setting up1

After being greeted and seated Zeenah didn’t waist any minute she started organizing her activities giving me a step by step run down of what she was doing. “I’m going to first take my colors out…. the green will go next to brown” It really felt like an instructional TV show. She was so precise in her every action.

The waitress came and as predicted Zeenah made her usual order of Egg white omelet with a side of blueberries. I was a little disappointed in the portion of her side but that wasn’t gonna stop our fun.

As we were waiting for our food to arrive Zeenah went through all her planned activities pretty fast…. coloring, reading, book puzzle and packing up right in time for her breakfast.







My Book recommendation for children is to get the small libraries as the one Zeenah was reading. For the really young children the colors and pictures are very entertaining. They come in a very neat box making it easy to carry around and store. Most fun is on the reverse of each book is part of puzzle that they can arrange. For older kids that are of reading age the laungugae is very simple with extremely fun stories. Bring a new level for loving books.

puzzle Collage

Stay tuned for my post listing these mini libraries and suggestions of where you can purchase them.

Soon it was time for us to go pick up Jennah and Zeenah was jumping for joy to see her sister.

We as parents are sometimes so involved in our daily routine that the time we spend with our younger children suffers because of it. wheather you have 2, 3 or more children take the time to spend one-on-one quality time with each of them. It really goes a long way with them and you will learn so much of who they are as individuals. After all “Making life Memorable” for those you love is what it’s all about.

CAP kids Art program

CAP kids Art program

Today I’ll be taking Jennah to her first class at the CAP kids art classes. I think I’m more excited than she is. I was happy to actually read about it on @whats_kickin.

The program duration is 1 month for twice a week, each session is 2 hours. The great thing is that the program is teaching everything about art. Techniques, artists and practical drawing too. I’m actually curious to see how the end result of their Art work. Hopefully it will light something up in Jennah and she can pursue it further…..but with school closing in I’m not sure if I’ll continue after the first month.

For those that are interested be sure to visit their website. They’re located in Life Center (same building as Eureka and Midas), Industrial Shuwaikh. I also highly recommend visiting their art library. So many books to go through and learn about artists and techniques. I’m planning to sit with Zeenah my 3 year old in their library and hopefully do some “learning about Art” while Jennah’s in class.

For those of you that are wondering how serious these classes are…check out the supply list we had to buy.
Art Supplies

Defintatly going to see some frame worthy artwork!! Jennah’s “Making life Memorable”

It’s a wiggly Tooth!!!

It’s a wiggly Tooth!!!

After the regular chaos of  my mornings has come to a calm and the girls are sitting and having their morning fruit snack, Plums were today’s choice, I finally got a chance to sit and do MY morning rituals of e-mails, Social media session, planning and organizing. Jennah, 6years and 9months, comes with a scared look on her face and says “Mama my tooth hurts”….. I looked and smiled and asked which one. She pointed to the bottom and I started my wiggle testing. Come to think of it I didn’t wash my hands before sticking my finger in her mouth…..OOPS! Sure enough I found it. I looked at her and said “Guess What!! your tooth’s wiggling” Something she’s been desperately wanting for the past year. And as a true descendant of mine she starts doing the “Victory Dance”.

And now the fun begins…..the Tooth Fairy is visiting our house for the first time. Lots to think about and so many ideas are rushing through my mind….First stop for sure to get some creative juices going though my mind. Next I’ll have to figure out am I doing money or a gift? Then off course I must incorporate glitter…. I love glitter and that is Fairy dust after all…..

My inspiration board and a few weeks to implement… Stay tuned for the DIY….

Tooth fairyinspiration board

Now that’s sure gonna Make Life Memorable!

My Blog is Born

My Blog is Born

Today marks a moment where I finally said “That’s it! I just gotta do it!” no more procrastinating and avoiding what I’ve been wanting to do for such a longtime.

Taking those countless requests of “how to-s”, “what’s the recipe” and just pure fun sharing I have taken that leap of entering the blogosphere once again. Yes you read correctly I did say once again….

They say to know where you’re going you should look at where you’ve been, or something like that….so a look back into history when life seemed simpler. I started writing my first blog summer of 2005 . Just talking about me, things I liked, disliked, matters of concerns, life and so forth. No real purpose, no real message just keeping myself and those that read the blog entertained. 14 months latter I posted my last blog post after the birth of my first daughter, Jennah, and just never posted again.

7 years later with a clearer vision and purpose I’m sitting behind the screen with a little knot in my gut typing away my new blog username.

So here’s to a new beginning a little something to inspire and motivate.

Keep remembering “Making Life Memorable” is what it’s all about!