I absolutely LOVE Free stuff to do in the summer!! It just makes me feel so wise to not spend money yet making sure my children are having the time of their lives!!! Read the rest of this entry
I absolutely LOVE Free stuff to do in the summer!! It just makes me feel so wise to not spend money yet making sure my children are having the time of their lives!!! Read the rest of this entry
I’ve decided to do a a series of posts from either books I’ve read, am currently ready or some that inspire me…
This one is from Last month’s book club… Read the rest of this entry
I think it’s so important to make reading a part of your child’s daily routine. We have all sorts of rituals in our house from reading corner, reading minutes and car reading but the most exciting thing is the reading challenges that the girls’ elementary school come up with. Gotta Love A.S.K.
This season our amazing librarian sends this………..
Needless to say Jennah and Zeenah are more motivated than ever.
This year I’ve made it a point to make weekly visits to the library with Zeenah to choose books with her. Now that she can read more on her own I’ve made a rule that she has to choose books that she can at least read 3-4 words in sentence. I found it helps strengthen what she already knows and ease her into newer vocabulary without getting frustrated.
One of my most recent favorite books that we checked out was “Good Night iPad” it’s a modern day twist on the old classic “Good Night Moon” (still a favorite of mine!)
I highly recommend ordering it from Amazon, you’ll probably enjoy it a little more than your kids.
Off course you can always alternate reading time with Good night Moon if you have a love for the classic as I do.
On the other hand I have my more independent reader Jennah. I don’t need to accompany her to the library anymore and she has made good choices of books. Some that she is totally engrossed in from the first page and others that she seems to force herself to finish because she doesn’t want to miss out if the book gets better halfway through.
Her ultimate favorite series these days is The land of stories by Chris Colfer. I must say she’s continuously talking about it to everyone she meets and urges them to read. July 2016 can’t come any sooner for her to get her hands on book 5!
I think every once in a while i’d probably post what my kids are reading because I never know who might benefit in getting ideas.
After all it’s also Making Life Memorable for everyone!
There comes a time in every mother’s life where she must endure the horror of the missing workbook, homework, journal or Library book.
I’ve been very good about trying to be as composed as possible when these minor things happen.
Mainly because I keep reminding myself it’s just elementary and not Harvard.
Until today…….why today???
I’ve been frantic! Searching high & Low….. tracing back to the beginning
Still no Math Workbook to be found. Worse of all it’s the one that stays home so it must be here somewhere!!!
Then I think to myself OH NO OH NO!!! It’s the weekend and I have no clue where Jennah’s Math workbook. I’m positive and sure we left it where we always do. Yet it seems to have disappeared into thin air.
Usually I would take it with a grain of salt and tell her to look for it except I can’t do that this weekend because she has a TEST!!!
I’m feeling the stress… almost as though I’m the one that’s going to be graded. Well then again parents are judged and graded by their kids performance but that’s a whole other post!!!
I rummage through all the past papers and teacher e-mails. I find the main topics of what’s going to be covered and off to my main man “Google” I go…
Search “Grade 3 Telling Time free worksheet”…Find appropriate page…Print!
Search “Grade 3 Money (USD) free worksheet”…Find appropriate page…Print!
Search “Grade 3 Number Patterns free worksheet”…Find appropriate page…Print!
Search “Grade 3 Name Collection Boxes free worksheet”…Find appropriate page…Print!
Search “Grade 3 Place Value free worksheet”…Find appropriate page…Print!
GREAT!!! sigh of relief, my own homemade workbook. Funny even in this I have my own DIY.
The dilemma still remains as to where did Jennah’s Homelink Workbook disappear too??? Come Sunday and we shall see!!
With that I will leave you with a few websites I stumbled on that any mom will find useful…
Home School Math
Everyday Math
Math Aids
Kid Zone
Super Teacher Worksheets
Math Tube
K 5 Learning
So to all you mommies out there that struggle with you child’s responsibility there is comfort in that they will grow out of it…but for now we do what we can to ensure that we come out of it alive and still sane!!!
Here’s Making Life Memorable one Math worksheet at a time!!
In an effort to help Jennah learn her vocabulary I resorted to an old and ancient technique despite all the “modern” methods I have read about online (eg. My previous post Spelling & Vocabulary).
The first thing I did was go to our area stationary store…. Fun Fun Fun!!! and I bought “special” Vocabulary requirements.
They include different colored index cards, markers and highlighters. It was hard to control myself and not buy anything else.
I just had to keep reminding myself to stay focused on why I was there!
I had written all the vocabulary words on one side of the index card, made it fun by using different colors.
We then spoke and demonstrated each word to each other using different actions and memory triggers. That way she had a visual of me every time she read one of her words. It was almost like a weird game of charades.
I had written all the vocabulary words on one side of the index card, made it fun by using different colors.
After practicing and talking about each of her vocabulary words for a little while I had Jennah write the corresponding meaning of each word on the reverse side of the Index.
The prepping of the index cards ended and we then went to traditional Flash card technique.
I would show her the word while the reverse side was facing me. She just had to tell me the answer and I could easily check it since it was facing me.
I’m proud to say that this technique is 100% effective because she did really well on her vocabulary test.
One test down and many more to go!!!
With a little more effort I managed to transform studying into Making Life Memorable by studying creatively.
Ok it’s official Jennah is in Grade 3 and I’m starting to have heart palpitations… We are no longer coloring and working on chapter books. This is some serious stuff here!!!
Our first week and we’ve got spelling and vocabulary test to study for, and when I say we I really mean WE!!
I’ve been doing a ton of research on how to teach vocabulary words….between spelling city, teaching websites and other spelling apps on the ipad I have come to a few realizations and conclusions that I would like to share.
Please bare in mind I am not an educator or a scholar. I am just a regular mom wanting to make the learning experience for my child as pleasant and painless as possible (For the both of us!).
What I am about to write is my opinion and my take on learning/teaching. It may help you find new methods, re-enforce what you already know or just be irrelevant to you.
In my little world I’ve found it helpful and hope that you do too!
A very interesting article I came across was about “Word Study”
This article talks about how to teach children to identify which letters are in a word using certain rules.
The technique is basically moving away from just memorizing how a word is spelled but rather developing the skill and knowledge of figuring out how its spelled.
I was actually intrigued by the whole concept and made a note on doing more research about “Word Study”
This website also has an online newsletter that you can subscribe too which I was oh so eager to sign up for!
Of course there is more to this website and definitely worth the browse.
The next website is K5 Learning This site covers learning from kindergarden to Grade 5, so it has everything you need for the elementary level.
It covers areas of both Math, language (reading/Spelling…etc) & study skills. A more comprehensive site that’s interactive with videos of what tools they provide.
I was even more impressed after watching their “Parent Video” explaining what K5 Learning and the tools they provide.
My favorite is that your child is actually assessed by the website to know what level they’re at and selects the best program for them.
This however is a paid website and if you’re like me I only like FREEEEEE stuff. It’s still worth the money though and has a 14 day trail with no obligation to subscribe.
These were the most prominent 2 research sites for the day. There is so much more out there that I had to stop myself before getting more overwhelmed than I already am.
So with everything you do for your child in Making Life Memorable put a little more effort in making studying memorable for them too!!
There’s nothing warmer than curling up in a corner and enjoying a good book. A time when your head is cleared and you’re entering a world of your own.
I try really hard to make sure that the girls enjoy reading, that when they think things are getting a little “boring” the choice of activity is to reach out for a book and enter the world of imagination.
So when I hear of an exciting new venture that involves books I jump to the occasion!! And what do I find but a place that I would love to take my kids to every weekend.
Granted it’s no Barnes and Nobles or Chapters but more like the “shop around the corner”
A used bookstore run by young volunteers with wall to wall shelving and little reading areas to engross yourself in.
Jennah was in book heaven!!!
Jennah immediately propped herself on the floor and started making choices.
Between fairytales, mystery & non-ficton it was getting to be difficult to choose the 3 books allowance rule made by me. (yes yes I run a tight ship of rules!)
Book after book, in and out of the shelves….reading a few lines here and there…
Jennah finally made her choice that I approved of.
I couldn’t be happier!
We Love Kuwait books are always a hit in our household!!
The best part is you can buy the books for a fraction of their price and if you return them you get half your money back. Almost like a public library. Saves you so much space at home and it really gives children more selection to improve their reading.
So hats of to Bayt Lothan and double hats off to all the volunteers and a triple to all the patrons that support this effort.
Be sure to go to q8bookstore in Bayt lothan. Enjoy your relaxing time, choose a book prop onto the coach and “Make your Life Memorable”
Their hours are 5-9:30pm on weekdays
10am-9pm on weekends
For more information look the bookstore up on Instagram @q8bookstore
I’m the type of person when I see something I just have to stock up!!! Especially things that are hard to find and not always readily available in Kuwait.
There are 2 major areas (other than unique food items) that are always a challenge. Crafting materials and kids books/workbooks.
While I was shopping yesterday at Sultan Center (in souq sharq) I went upstairs to the kids/electronic section. I was browsing as usual just to see what the latest books they have.
To my pleasure I found several rows of children’s workbooks… It was so nice to see them in quantity, variety and for children from preschool up to grade 5.
If you’ve been shopping in Kuwait in the regular places where you might find these you’ll know that they can get very expensive and over-priced. I was very happy to see that the price range started from KD0.750 to about KD3.500.
So if you’re looking for something to enhance your children head out to Sultan Sharq because you never know when you’ll find them again.
The girls were very excited when they came back from school and found their new workbooks….