Category Archives: Back to School

Back to school Countdown

Back to school Countdown

To say that I’m excited that we have less than 2 weeks away for the girls to go back to school is an understatement.

Even though I have managed to keep a very good routine between the 2 hour homework morning sessions, free play, going out, crafts, seeing friends and swimming lessons it’s a lot of effort. Doesn’t leave much time for me and work.

With the girls back to school I think I’m most excited that I get MY routine back a good stretch of time in the morning to go to work and dedicate time to the things I love.

So because of that my excitement I was inspired to do a School countdown craft.

The first thing I did was make print out cut outs for the girls to color.

I decided to do a 10 day countdown to “Blast off”

I then cut them out using a ZigZag scissors for fun…

Girls Coloring

The girls then colored each day and the big “Back To School”


After organizing them in order we found a nice place on the wall to hang it in (it was a challenge finding an empty wall in the playroom). We used a ribbon and hung the paper with mini clothespins I had in my magical craft cabinet of “I’m going to need this one day”


And Now we have a countdown that at the end of each day we take down one paper in anticipation of School.

I hope that this gives you inspiration to do something in Making Life Memorable

School Open House

School Open House

If any of you out there still don’t have kids (and are planning to) believe that you’ve graduated school and think its all over HAAAAAA Joke’s on you! Think again!!!

It’s only over after your kids have graduated, become adults and have their own kids to worry about!!

The first 2 weeks of school are over and I still have knots in my stomach!! Every time I see a paper coming home in Jennah’s folder I squint and think “now what!”

Ahaaa invitation to attend an open house…. So I’m thinking sure I can handle that! (but please oh please I don’t want to meet that overbearing mom face to face!) Opps should I write that in public?

We tuck the girls in bed, give them an extra 10 minutes to read and out the door my husband and I go.

Kisses here and hellos there to all the mom’s and dad’s we’ve become closer to in the past few years. As my heart is racing and my mind’s thinking “Oh please prove to me once again that I made the right choice in selecting this school for my daughter”

ClassWe walk down the 2nd grade hall approaching Jennah’s classroom. There it is on the left Room P014.

My Heart pounding and thinking “Please please be a pleasant year!”

We walk in and naturally we’re the first parents there….funny enough Jennah’s teacher guessed we would be! Yikes ! Am I turning into those mom’s that the teacher avoids when he/she sees them approaching.

Samar forget it….move along, who cares what he thinks.

We take a seat at Jennah’s table and take a look at her little note for us….AWE how sweet she thinks we’re the best parents even when we shout….


Time to look around….OMG!! How cute is that Tweet board!

What an amazing idea!!!

Teacher posts a question as a Tweet and the kids write their responses on sticky notes.

Totally creative!


Oh and check out that Hopes and dreams Board….

Each child write’s what they want to accomplish in the academic year.

Now I’m thinking why didn’t we have this stuff when we were growing up!


Back to Jennah’s table we go and take our seats.

Ready for our guidelines for the year!!!

Her teacher takes the floor and then I start to ease myself into a smile and say to myself.
He sure is going to be “Making Life Memorable” for Jennah!

Labels & Tags

Labels & Tags

I’ve had many requests asking about the labels and tags that I’ve made for the girls.

I’m posting here the popcorn tags I made for the girls’ first day of school. I’ll add more eventually but I thought I’d try out this way and get your feedback on printing quality as I’m adding them as images….

I left the “from” part blank so you can make it your own.

Let me know if it works!! If not I’ll keep investigating for better “downloading” options.

First Day of School

First Day of School

If you’re anything like me the you want to celebrate the kids going back to school. So we kicked off this week with exactly that!

We have a tradition as many do to take “first day of school” photographs. Nothing professional just a little treasure for the future. I was so overwhelmed with what I’m going to do this year.

I Finally decided on First Day printable from Sweet C’s Designs. After downloading them I inserted the images into powerpoint and added what the girls want to be when they grow up.



Jennah said she wanted to be an Archaeologist… My eyes nearly popped out and asked her if she knew what it meant. She looked at me as though I insulted her and said “Yes!! It’s a person who looks for dinosaur bones”

Really put me in my place!!



Zeenah said she wanted to be a Computer officer

I was skeptical at first because I figured it’s because We were sitting around my laptop discussing it. For the next 3 days I asked her the same question at random time and the answer was always the same. So Computer officer it is!

We took several pictures around the house but my favorites are the ones we took outdoors, there’s nothing like natural light.



I slipped a little Note for Jennah in her pencil case and was so touched when she actually slipped a reply back to me….. That really is “Making life Memorable”


Didn’t get a chance to take a first day of school picture?? You can always do “I survived the first week of school”.

Teacher’s Survival Kit

Teacher’s Survival Kit

The first day of school is a challenge for EVERYONE! Parents, Students and Teachers all have to get back into the routine and face whatever curve balls that crosses their path.


Just like I want the kids to enjoy their first day back I like to make sure the Teacher’s also happy….

You may call it whatever you want brown-nosing, kisses up or any other term but I want to make sure the person that’s going to spend most of their day with my child is “HAPPY”!

This year I started my gift giving a lot earlier than usual, I kicked of the first day with a “Teacher’s Survival Kit”

The first thing I did was design the covers for each box. I made the girls pick the borders and I did the rest using powerpoint, printed them out on A4 and laminated each.
The next step was getting all the goodies. That’s the REAL fun part…..

I used a Plastic container that’s about 35cm x 22cm then I basically went to town with supplies.

Here’s what went into each container:
Colored paper clips, rubber bands, binder clips and push pins
Decorative mini clothespins and mini erasers
A collection of large and small smiley board magnets
Mini & Large colored post it notes
Pagemarker strips
Motivational Stickers
Colored Markers
Pocket notepad
As I was buying all these supplies I decided that I had to buy something special FOR the teacher so I added
Hand sanitizer, Band Aid, Actifast Panadol, Chapstick, mini chocolates and leamon & honey herbal tea.



Then it was just a matter of putting it all together.

I tried my best to make it as organized as I could. It was almost like putting a puzzle together with all the different sizes and shapes of the supplies.

Then the final touch that made it personal. I stuck the laminated cover onto the lid with glue dots.

All ready to be handed to the teacher hoping it’ll “Make life Memorable” to them.



Back to School Treats

Back to School Treats

I was determined to make something special for the girl’s first day of school. I wanted to make sure they were super excited about the year ahead. The hardest part was making sure it was something the kids would enjoy and it be a healthy treat.

First I thought maybe it should be a non-edible something….but it didn’t make sense to send a notepad and pencil favor with the amount of supplies we’ve already sent to school and for the younger ones sending crayons home didn’t seem appealing.

So plan B edible…healthy omits cookies, candy and chocolates. I was not about to send apples & bananas, where’s the creativity in that???

Then it dawned on me Popcorn!!! Kids of all ages love popcorn, it’s air popped and healthy. No allergy issues and extremely simple!!!


Next came the labels!! That’s where the creativity kicked in….

I tried to choose something fun on each Label…it read It’s gonna be a “POPin” year with you in my class! and the girls’ names. I made sure that I used different borders for each of the girls so that they were unique to them.

And viola!! Amazing popcorn treats for the girls classmates to kick of the School year with a POP! and all you needed was a bowl of popcorn and a few simple supplies.
Now that’s “Making life memorable”
POP all

Stay tuned for the “Teacher’s Survival Kit”

Quick Breakfast

Quick Breakfast

The first week getting back to the routine of school can get very hectic.

You might have a morning or several when you are so rushed and breakfast might end up on the go.

You definitely want to get a healthy start for your kids.

Don’t worry I got you covered with my delicious Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie!!


1 Banana
1 cup Soya Milk (You can use regular)
1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter
1 Tablespoon Maple Syrup (or honey)
4/5 cubes of Ice
Blend all ingredients until smooth and serve immediately.

Makes 2 servings (1 cup each)

The best part is your kids will enjoy making them giving you some breathing space too!

Study Station Success

Study Station Success

Girls tucked in and fast asleep and my mind is so much clearer. Grabbed my cup of yogurt and sat in front of Jennah’s desk assessing the situation.

What should I tackle first?? The easiest naturally. All last year and summer Artwork removal. I decided what’s worth saving and what goes for recycling. I did go through them at the end of the school year but it seems I lost some of the attachment to the girls artwork.

Half way through going through the papers, art projects displayed and in folders I realized it’s taking way to much time. I decided to put them on the side and work on something else.

It’s time to organize the stationery. The containers I used were small tin buckets, small basket and small plastic bins.
Stationary desk
Tins: I put erasers in the extra small tin bucket. Pencils in the small tin bucket.

Plastic Bins: Colored Pencils in a plastic bin and markers in the other bin. I made sure I sharpened all the pencils with my electrical sharpener. A must have in our household with the amount of coloring we do!

Basket:In the small basket I put post it notes and small notepads, I use these for marking her assignments and for explaining things while studying.

After I cleared up any additional papers hanging out in the other cubbies of her desk I put a clipboard, whiteboard and an empty magazine holder for new papers coming back from school.

Now the laptop and headphones are neatly placed in the other corner of her desk.

I removed everything from the top up and it’s time to look at the bottom…. Yikes!!!

Do things crawl in our household? Why are their toys? Painting gear? Blocks? Crafting things…if I’m going to continue the list of what I found it’ll develop into a whole other post!

Obviously I had to spend a little extra time organizing homes for all these miscellaneous items. Painting and crafting on the painting corner, blocks & Lego with the rest of the blocks….etc
below Desk
All cleaned up down there for some leg room and a few empty magazine holders for my little second graders work.
I took a step back and felt proud of how neat the space looked, off course I’m not sure how long that would last but at least it’s a great way to start the new school year. Still I felt it was lacking something….I have to add some sort of personal touch.
Then it came to me, the cork board looked so plain…. I took the push pins and made the letter “J” for Jennah.

I’m sure it’s not going to last before all the papers take over but hey I had to have my touch somewhere!

The final look of an organized Study Space for Jennah, now she’s ready to tackle 2nd grade….you think?

organized Desk

Read the Part one of this post

Lunch Box Ideas

Lunch Box Ideas

There are 3 mains in any child’s up-bringing… Education, food and behavior. I think almost every parent fusses about food in one way or the other. Did the child eat? was it enough? was it healthy? etc etc etc??? Then off course there’s wanting to be “creative” so the child doesn’t get bored of the same food options over and over again. Staying in the theme of Back to School this week I’d like to share my equation for lunch box preparation.

My equation is fairly simple. Each lunchbox must contain a fruit, vegetable, snack item and a main. Off course you have to consider each child’s preferences and taste. Jennah loves and can overdose on Avocado and Cherry Tomato but Zeenah won’t touch it and will pick them out of her salad. On the other hand Zeenah will eat a full bowl of blueberries and cherries. As long as the children are eating healthy don’t fight their preferences and try not to force them to eat something they don’t like.

Here’s a list that I use for inspiration before packing the girls lunchboxes.
Apple   Pear Apricot Strawberry Blueberry Melon Watermelon
Grapes Cherry Peach Tangerine Mango Avocado

I have several techniques for the lunch box Vegetables, those that are just raw veggie sticks, cooked or in a Salad. Some that I use as a snack item and others would be consider more of a main such as the pasta Salad.
Carrot Cucumber Celery Cherry Tomato Broccoli Bell Pepper Cauliflower
Corn on the Cob Green Peas Green Beans Pumpkin Potato Chickpeas
Beetroot Edamame Snow Peas
Tabouleh Cucumber & Yogurt Pasta Salad Couscous Salad Bean & Feta Salad Green Salad
Coleslaw Green Peas & Corn Salad Mozzarella & Tomato Salad Shrimp & Avocado Salad



Pretzel Cheerios Goldfish Raisins Cheddar Cubes Dates Dried Apricot
Breadsticks with Humus Crackers Yogurt Cottage Cheese


MAIN. This list is the most variable between the lunch boxes, not only because of the girls’ personal taste but also the eating conditions. In Zeenah’s preschool they have the capability of heating the food for the children so I actually put “Real food” and not lunchbox food in comparison to Jennah. She has to eat whatever is in her lunchbox at the temperature it’s in. I’ll put all the choices and you can decide what works for you at the conditions of your child’s school or pre-school.

Turkey & cheese Pinar & Zaatar Chicken Wrap Peanut Butter & Jam Kiri & Cucumber
Pesto & Boiled Egg

Rice & Chicken Pasta & Tomato Sauce Chicken Noodle Soup Meatballs(dry)
Chicken Balls Popcorn Chicken Spinach Balls Chicken Drumstick Stuffed Potato Balls (Kuba)


Off course there’s always variables that affect your choices. Consider the weather…. if it’s really hot outside don’t put yogurt or shrimp in the lunch boxes, you really don’t want your child to come back with a stomach ache.

I really advise against putting juice boxes in children’s lunch boxes. First of all many contain too much sugar and you really don’t want them driving their teacher up the wall. Secondly, the children will most likely have it the first thing making them full before actually having any food. My girls take a refillable water bottle with them to school.


Another advice I would like to give is please consider using reusable containers. Many lunch boxes now have matching containers to go with them. Omit the use of sandwich bags. Not only will you help save the environment but you’ll also be saving some cash in the process. A great place to shop online is amazon for everything in o ne place, but if you would like to find things locally (Kuwait) I’ve found several places that have fun options. Most area Co-ops have great selections. In addition to Carrefour, Lulu Hypermarket and Sultan Center. Pottery Barn kids & Teen also have fun options. My all time favorite is Centerpoint, such good choices, variety and very reasonably priced. For the more environmentally involved check out @d2e_q8 on instagram and Oleana Boutique online

Here are some samples of water bottles and Lunch box containers and sets I found at centerpoint.
Lunch Sets
