I’m always trying to make sure that my healthy food intake is more than my “Not so healthy” intake.
Making sure I’m balanced and trying to go back to my 20 year old body seems to be my Theme for the last…um “few” years. So I’m always in the search of the best recipe or something different. Thanks to the online world there’s always something I can try out and make it my own.
I’d like to share my version of a Healthy “Fall Cookie” So yummy that you have to resist eating them all!! Here’s My version of a Spiced Pumpkin Cookie.
First off gather everything you need…..
Now that you have your Ingredients and your baking tools enjoy making the fail-proof recipe.
Here’s a BAKING TIP I like to use an ice cream scoop to drop my cookies, that way they are all the same size and look nicer. With these cookies I used the back of the scooper to flatten them before baking.
One important factor is that you have to consider your oven and how it usually bakes. I tend to like my cookies a little on the softer side so I tend to barely bake these for 20 minutes….However, my husband LOVES cookies extra crispy and borderline burnt at the bottom so I do make a batch that’s baked for about 25 minutes.
So Make it your own and Enjoy! Here’s to Making Life Memorable one healthy treat at a time…..