Always be thankful!
Life has many ups and downs Read the rest of this entry
When I bake I like to use a simple recipe that doesn’t over complicate my life… Read the rest of this entry
As promised I have tried it for the past 30 days and here are my thoughts
Ever since I can remember my name has been a challenge for many “North Americans” to pronounce. So when they see SAMAR I immediately here my name butchered into Sam-Are or Sum- Are. Read the rest of this entry
The most difficult part of being away from Family is when you have to start a new tradition of your own….
A New place…
A New life….
A New beginning……
No Twice a week Futoor at my Mom’s, no hanging out to the wee hours with my sister M playing cards and eating “Hab” (seeds). Read the rest of this entry
I believe there’s a kid in everyone and sometime in our life we seem to loose that inner child.
I really wish that my girls always keep the kid in them as I believe in everything magical and I still find the wonder in all things Disney.
My father’s (May he rest in Peace) favorite ride at Disneyland was It’s a Small World. I still tear up every time I hear that song.
Even though we still haven’t done the Disney family trip yet I do believe that every Disney movie reminds me of my inner child.
Now with that said I feel like there’s so much more to every song from every Disney movie I’ve watched.
I have emotionally gotten attached to singing “Let it go” from the movie Frozen for every situation in life that was out of my hands and can’t change. I’m sure every one can relate to that on many levels.
Well I’ve evolved from having “Let it go” as my soundtrack to “You’re Welcome” from the movie Moana!
Disney can always find a song from Disney that truly makes me feel better or express my emotion. It’s a fact Disney gets me!!
Making Life Memorable with every Disney Soundtrack!
Last weekend was one eventful weekend and I’m so super proud of the girls not only they helped raise funds for a good cause but they also swam for 2 continuous hours.
Jennah swam 3250m and Zeenah 2500m in 2 hours.
Thank you for everyone that made this event possible and for the friends and family that donated to the cause.
Making Life Memorable with every stroke!
History is such a fascinating thing and at times we take things for granted. Read the rest of this entry
I’m not the best person to take a a step back and Relax… not in my On-the-go personality…..
Everyone knows how I always have so much on my plate at one time. I’m Miss Busy Bee AND I deeply suffer from
Even though I’ve substantially decreased so many aspects of my “previous life” with the Move to Canada.
Less friends, no family, no work/job, no business, NOTHING….absolutley NOTHING!
Well guess what? I somehow took a step back and decided to embrace it.
My forced upon me life Break…..
Maybe now I’ll take up Yoga and Meditation Loool!
Making life Memorable while on Standby
I’ve decided to do a a series of posts from either books I’ve read, am currently ready or some that inspire me…
This one is from Last month’s book club… Read the rest of this entry