In my big move from Kuwait to Canada I was faced with the extreme challenge of putting my life into boxes….. A lifetime of memories, accumulating and collecting was put to the test of ” attempt to sell”, “Give Away”, “Save” or “Pack”.
For every website, Pin, organizing list it was universal in its advice. Sound simple until you actually have to do it! This is in no way a post to help you in packing on the contrary it’s about how you should live leading up to the point of needing to pack.
I always took pride in my double closet in my home office/craft room filled with everything your heart desires when it comes to crafting materials. It was really a miniature craft store on its own from paints, card stock, colored papers, paintbrushes, crafting tools, Styrofoam , felt, fabric, ribbons, wrapping papers, beads, an array of canvases, paint brushes, sketchbooks, floral supplies and most importantly GLITTER.
In my mind there’s glitter and there’s GLITTER. To the normal person they really sound/look the same. Nope!! not for me. There was regular glitter that I let my girls use and splurge on and there’s GLITTER that was “special glitter” that the girls were only allowed to admire from afar and I was the only one that used it sparingly.
Then the day came that I opened my wonderfully organized and stocked up closet and I had to part with it AAAALLLLL….. The cost of shipping could not be justified in comparison to buying everything new was my husbands perspective, Logic says he’s right but then there’s my crafting logic screaming internally “Precious….its precious!”
I replayed in my head all the times we didn’t use the GLITTER while crafting and the life lesson hit me. Never save anything for that “special” day. Use it and abuse it because you never know where life takes you and you end up looking back like I did at all the missed chances to enjoy it.

So don’t forget use that GLITTER while Making Life Memorable before you have to give it away!!!