Halloween has to be one of the most creative holidays ever!! There’s so much one can do yet I find myself struggling to find the time.
I love being creative and will use every excuse possible to do something useful. Holidays like Halloween and Christmas give me that fulfillment, if life just didn’t get in the way I would do so much more!
Off course costumes are just the tip of the iceberg. Oh and let’s not forget my obsession with pinterest that has a gazillion inspiration boards.
Do you plan anything special for Halloween??
Well I would like to share a few of my favorite pictures and links for all those “Halloween” and “DIY” enthusiasts.
do you have your COSTUMES picked out yet?? Check out Simply Kierste for some costume inspiration.

What about a special homemade TREAT like Popcorn Balls?? This is a recipe that I’ve been wanting to try for the longest time.

One of the many traditions we have at our house is the carving of the pumpkin. Off course Zeenah looooooves getting her hands dirty taking all the seeds and gutting the Pumpkin.
We tend to do traditional Jack-O-Lantern because it’s just that much easier with 2 kids but I always wanted to venture out and trying something new.
I would love to be able to paint a set of pumpkins or doing glitter designs.
Unfortunately with the lack of Pumpkin Patches in Kuwait and the obscene prices of a traditional pumpkin I’ve resorted to just admiring all the designs online.
Of course I could always venture out into making Paper Mache pumpkins and then doing whatever design but I’m almost afraid to get something like that started and end up with too many pumpkins and no place to store them!
I hope that these few ideas and links helps you get inspired and assists in Making Life Memorable for you and your kids.