Tag Archives: Ziploc

Banana Ideas

Banana Ideas

In our household we always have an abundance of Bananas.

I use them daily in my green smoothies, great breakfast/snack for the girls yet we always end up with a few that are too ripe.

The lovely thing about these delectable fruit is that they are soooo versatile. Transformable to several things from Peanut butter & Banana Smoothie, Healthy Oatmeal & Banana cookies or Banana Muffins…. the list is really endless.

Yet at times I just want to save the fruit for a specific purpose ….My smoothie or you have too much to go in a baking frenzy.

As they say the “Necessity is the mother of invention”. I figured out the best way to actually freeze Bananas. It’s amazing because now it actually works well with the smoothie because it makes it even colder.

You’ll need:
The ripe bananas (do not freeze unripe bananas they won’t do well in the freezer)
Cookie Sheet
Parchment paper
Ziploc bags


Peel & slice the bananas into pieces (about 2.5cm)

Place on the cookie sheet lined with Parchment paper.

Make sure that bananas are not touching to avoid sticking to each other.

Place in the freezer (uncovered) for at least 30 minutes until the bananas are solid.


Transfer the banana slices into Ziploc bags.

I like to mark the bags with the date so that I know their “life”.
Squeeze the air out of each bag and seal.

Return back to the freezer.

The banana chunks are good for 3/4 months.

If you plan on using them for baking it’s a good idea to thaw them out.

NOTE: You can also use the same method without slicing the bananas and freezing them whole (peeled) and they will last for the same amount of time. I personally like to slice them as it’s easier to store in the bags.