Daily Archives: May 8, 2017

Tribute to Moms

Tribute to Moms


Everyone has a special place in their heart for their mother. Sure let’s admit it there’s always times we don’t seem to see eye-to-eye but we grow up and realize “Mother knows best”!

I really find myself understanding my mother a lot more now that I have children of my own. I find myself saying things and realizing I sound exactly like her and try to resist laughing when I see the reaction on my daughter’s face knowing EXACTLY what is going through her head ready to tell her “been there done that”

But at the end of the day we love them with all our hearts and know that we need to cherish them.

There’s no better way to celebrate our Moms with actually giving them a National Holiday called Mother’s Day…. Now being from the Middle east we celebrate Mother’s day on March 20. Now that I’m in North America this year I’ll be wishing my mom a Happy Mother’s day on May 14th from across the Atlantic…. A lot further than i’d like but that’s life, we have to make the best of it no matter where we are.

So Starting today until the day I’ll be posting Mother’s Day Theme posts. From little snippets for all those in Edmonton, Alberta on things around town as inspiration of what they can do for their mom’s or for themselves!!!

Making Life Memorable for all moms and daughters.