Daily Archives: September 28, 2014

Change of Weather

Change of Weather

As a parent there’s always this worry and concern about our children’s health. Who’s a good pediatrician? What are the symptoms? Should they be sent to school? And the most worrisome is the infamous FEVER!

With the change of weather and Kuwait starting to get a little cooler our fear becomes oh to real.

A new mommy asked me last week if she should worry about her infant’s temperature…. I am not a doctor by any means but tried to dig down in my memory when the girls were younger and when did I start worrying about them being a little too warm.

Off course the first thing I did was do some research and found a great chart that will help any parent no matter what age your child is.


Please note that this is just a guideline and in no way a doctors recommendations. If you feel your child is feverish you should consult a doctor.

Another good website to check is Advil. There’s a lot of information and help regarding temperature and methods of taking your child’s temperature.

I hope all children are feeling well and don’t need this as a reference.

Good luck in nursing your child and wishing them a speedy recovery in order to keep Making Life Memorable with happier memories.